Sunday, March 13, 2011

A few things...

There's so much we have done and have to tell, obviously... having been gone for over three months. The plan is to just post random pictures, stories, whatever, as we have time and internet access. We'll try our best to let you know when there's something new!

At this exact moment, we're at the home of John and Jill Peters, an American couple living near the town of G
onfaron (about 2 hours by train, northeast of Marseille). I found them through the website which sets up kind of homestays where you work. Marc is only here for tonight (Sunday) then will be back in Marseille tomorrow night to get back to the restaurant for the week. I'm not sure what my work here will entail, but they've got adorable 2yr old twin girls that will keep me entertained in the meantime.

Here are some of our most recent pics.

Killing some time on Marc's break. His restaurant is exactly where his finger is pointing.

Our walk along the coast of Marseille....
it was warm, 18C, no sign of snow :)

The intersection where Marc's apartment is.

Bonne soiree!


  1. Hey Amy - did you ever give Marc that $5.00 I sent you so he can get a haircut ?

  2. Hi Amy and Marc
    Love the pics, hope to see more as this is as close to Europe as I'll ever get.
    Elsie May
